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City Council Approves Designation of Mount Baker Park Presbyterian Church as City’s Newest Landmark

Mount Baker Park Presbyterian ChurchMount Baker Park Presbyterian ChurchSeattle City Council recently approved a landmark designation ordinance for the Mount Baker Park Presbyterian Church building. Located in Seattle’s Mount Baker neighborhood, this building joins the more than 400 landmarks in the city that represent our rich cultural and architectural heritage.

The city’s Landmarks Preservation Board approved the nomination, designation, and controls and incentives for the Mount Baker Park Presbyterian Church, and provided the draft ordinance to the Seattle City Council. The final step in the process was approval by City Council which occurred on Monday, October 3, 2016.

The Mount Baker Park Presbyterian Church was built in 1925 and designed by Albertson, Richardson & Wilson. The building is located at 3201 Hunter Boulevard South.

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program is responsible for the designation and protection of more than 400 historic structures, sites, objects, and vessels, as well as eight historic districts located throughout the city. For more information on the landmark designation process and to view other city landmarks, visit