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Mayor Durkan seeks new members for Pioneer Square Preservation Board

image of Pioneer Square

Photo by Ming-yen Hsu

Mayor Jenny Durkan is seeking two volunteers to serve on the Pioneer Square Preservation Board. The two positions open are for: 1) architect and 2) Pioneer Square retail business owner. Individuals who have an interest in historic preservation and/or familiarity with Pioneer Square are encouraged to apply.

The 10-member Pioneer Square Preservation Board reviews façade alterations, signs, new construction, changes of use, and street improvements and makes recommendations to Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Director for all properties within the Pioneer Square Preservation District.

The board is composed of two district property owners, two architects, and one of each of the following – retail business owner, attorney, historian/architectural historian, human services representative, a young adult appointed through the Get Engaged program, and a member-at-large. All appointments are made by the Mayor and subject to City Council confirmation.

Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:00 a.m. In addition, board members may be asked to serve on an additional committee which meets twice a month. In general, Board members must commit approximately 6 – 12 hours per month to Board business.

Interested applicants must be Seattle residents, and Board members serve without compensation. Those interested in being considered should send a letter of interest and resume by Friday, March 30. Electronic submissions are preferred, if possible.

Please email your letter and resume to:
(reference the Pioneer Square Preservation Board in the subject line)

To submit a paper copy, send to: Genna Nashem, Pioneer Square Preservation Board Coordinator, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, P.O. Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649.

For more information, contact Genna Nashem at (206) 684-0227.

The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity in the city’s boards and commissions. Women, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, young persons, senior citizens, persons of color, and immigrants are encouraged to apply.

The Pioneer Square Preservation District is one of eight historic districts managed by the Historic Preservation Program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.