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Help plan the future of Magnolia Manor Park!

Sustainable Magnolia, a neighborhood organization, has received a Small and Simple Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to host a community-driven process, including three public input meetings, to create an updated site design for Magnolia Manor Park, with the goal of creating a mixed-use place of beauty, vibrancy, and sustainability for all members of the community.  A dog off-leash area will be included in the design per the 2006 public process, as well as other elements, per community input and subject to site constraints.

Participate in these public community meetings and be a part of an open conversation about the future of Magnolia Manor Park!

March 2, 6:30-8:30pm: Background and Brainstorming Workshop (Meeting #1)
March 5, 10am-12pm: A Walk in the Park (Informal Site Visit)
April 9, 10am-12pm: Draft Designs Workshop (Meeting #2)
June 8, 7-9pm: Preferred Design Review (Meeting #3)

Meetings will be at Magnolia Presbyterian Church, 3051 28th Avenue West.

The site visit will be at Magnolia Manor Park, 3500 28th Avenue West.

Visit for more info or to volunteer.