The FREE 2011 MLK Business Association
Business District Tour Schedule is here:
June 11th @ Othello 10:30 -12:00
July 30th @ Graham 10:30 -12:00
August 13th @ Othello 10:30 -12:00
September 17th @ Graham 10:30 -12:00
Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of 98118. Support locally owned, independent businesses to maintain our unique community character, provide continuing opportunities for entrepreneurs, build community economic strength, and help retain community-based businesses.
The tour guide will give some history of the area and help connect us to the diversity of products and services available along MLK. We will visit several shops and listen to amazing stories from entrepreneurs who recently arrived in the US . We will get to know our neighbors better as we walk through the district sampling treats and discovering the multitude of offerings found around MLK. It will be like vacationing abroad without the hassle of having to update your passport.
Sign-up for 1 or all 4 tours by calling Sarah Valenta @ 206-760-4213 or emailing @ or visit