The Seattle P-Patch Market Gardens CSA (community-supported agriculture) program is accepting subscribers for its farm-fresh organic produce. Beginning in June, each week subscribers will receive up to 15 items of organic seasonal produce grown at the NewHolly and High Point Seattle Market Gardens, a Seattle Department of Neighborhoods program that helps to establish healthy communities and economic opportunity in low-income neighborhoods.
The cost ranges from $15 to $25 a week based on size of the share with prorated shares available. Two of the pick-up locations are located at the gardens where subscribers can meet the immigrant farmers and visit the site.
The pick-up locations, dates, and times are:
Thursdays, June 5 through October 16 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
High Point Market Garden (32nd Avenue SW and SW Juneau Street)
NewHolly Market Garden (42nd South and South Rockery Drive)
Saturdays, June 7 through October 18 from 10:00 a.m. to dusk
St. Andrews Episcopal Church (111 NE 80th Street)
Community members can subscribe now by completing and mailing an application (see form for address) or by contacting Michelle Jones at 206-372-6593 or Julie Bryan, P-Patch Garden Coordinator, at 206-684-0540.
Seattle P-Patch Market Gardens is program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods P-Patch Community Gardening Program in collaboration with the Seattle Housing Authority and GROW to support low-income gardeners. Its mission is to establish safe, healthy communities and economic opportunity through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and farm stand enterprises. Visit to learn more.