Today Mayor Ed Murray announced an investment of $617,102 in matching funds to support 31 neighborhood-initiated projects across the city. The awards are from the Neighborhood Matching Fund for a variety of arts events, physical improvements, and youth projects.
“These investments fund the work of the many community members who roll up their sleeves to create a more vibrant and inclusive city,” said Mayor Murray. “These projects include creative ways for people of all ages and walks of life to be involved. From hearing the personal histories of Yesler Terrace residents to helping to design a community crosswalk, we are partnering to improve neighborhoods across the city.”
These awards are part of the Small and Simple Projects Fund, one of three funds offered by Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. It provides cash awards of up to $25,000 in matching funds to community organizations committed to fostering and building a better community. The 2016 February awards range from $4,249 to $25,000, and the organizations pledge to match the City of Seattle’s $617,102 investment with $722,931 of locally raised money, donated materials, and volunteer labor.
“What makes the Neighborhood Matching Fund so successful is that dollars raised by community groups and their volunteer hours are leveraged with the help of the Fund,” said Kathy Nyland, director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. “Since 1988, it has meant that more than 5,000 community-led projects across the city have happened, and we’re all richer for it.”
In addition to the Small and Simple Projects Fund, the Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) has two other programs: the Large Projects Fund which provides matching funds of up to $100,000, and the Small Sparks Fund which provides funds of up to $1,000. Over its 28-year history, more than 5,000 projects have been funded with the help of NMF, and its investment in neighborhoods can be seen across the city. For more information about all of the funds visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/nmf/.
The Small and Simple Projects Fund has two more opportunities to apply this year in June and September. To learn more visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/nmf/smallandsimple.htm.
2016 Small and Simple Projects Fund February Awards
$24,185 to Skate Like a Girl and Youth Employment Skateboarding to train and post 10 adult volunteer stewards at skate parks this summer and host a community celebration this fall. (Community match: $24,810)
$13,200 to Somali Health Board to survey the Somali community about health priorities and prepare a draft implementation plan to be shared for input via focus groups, roundtables, and forums. (Community match: $15,300)
$10,000 to Seattle Indian Health Board to complete a plaque and painted crosswalk, and host a healing ceremony to honor the life of Mr. John T. Williams, Native American carver. (Community match: $7,120)
$25,000 to the Tigrean Community Association to fix and upgrade the kitchen at the Tigrean Community Center and bring it up to health and safety codes. (Community match: $47,700)
$24,656 to Friends of STEM Technology to conduct a youth Science Technology Engineering and Math summer camp where youth will enhance their video skills. (Community match: $49,620)
District 1
$18,200 to Concord International Elementary PTA to lead a community design process for improvements to the school grounds to include trees, access to crosswalks, and rain gardens. (Community match: $16,213)
District 2
$22,436 to Friends of Detective Cookie Chess Park to plan and design an outdoor chess park and multi-functional community space. (Community match: $17,640)
$6,000 to Maple Elementary PTSA for playground improvements to include surface painting, art, and color enhancements. (Community match: $6,600)
$8,475 to Jefferson Mock-Trial Steering Committee to host outreach events to youth and provide the community with information about the judicial system, legal rights and issues. Youth will produce a video, attend competitions, and host informative community events. (Community match: $30,880)
$19,000 to Columbia City Business Association to involve 60 youth performers, provide mentoring, and offer the youth venues for live performances at the Columbia City BeatWalk (Community match: $11,600)
$25,000 to Hillman City Restorative Justice Committee to organize 12 free monthly workshops about restorative justice to help neighbors resolve conflict and strengthen community relationships. (Community match: $20,900)
$25,000 to Friends of Little Saigon to lead a community process to design and install decorative crosswalks at the intersection of S. Jackson Street and 12th Avenue S. (Community match: $25,000)
$19,445 to Southeast Seattle Senior Foundation to lead residents, community and staff through a process to imagine, design and select a long-term capital improvement plan for the exterior community spaces of Brighton Apartments. (Community match: $9,800)
$23,785 to The Passian Center for the Walk Away Day, a three-part event to bring youth together to make a decision to let go of something negative in their life. (Community match: $15,835)
$7,100 to Big-Brained Superheroes Club to expand and improve ongoing activities and include a series of STE(A)M concepts and activities. (Community match: $5,200)
$12,623 to North Beacon Hill Council to develop and conduct an inclusive online survey to residents regarding the impact of the 2035 Comprehensive plan, commitment to the 2010 Neighborhood Plan goals, and other topics. (Community match: $14, 112)
$25,000 to Friends of Japantown to revitalize and beautify its Nihonmachi Alley with public art, lighting, and programming opportunities. (Community match: $115,060)
District 3
$25,000 to Volunteer Park Trust to begin Phase II of the Volunteer Park Amphitheater Project which includes the concept design for a new performance stage. (Community match: $12,509)
$8,348 to Friends of Yesler Terrace to collect stories of former and current Yesler Terrace residents and create a reunion celebration, a series of community conversations, and a scrapbook of stories and photos. (Community match: $12,420)
$25,000 to Bego to organize the Little Ethiopia Music, Song and Dance Festival this summer to celebrate the Ethiopian community and the accomplishment of its business community. (Community match: $18,508)
District 5
$25,000 to Lake City Future First to organize a series of nine community conversations with dedicated local outreach to reach new and existing partners, especially under-represented voices. (Community match: $29,750)
$25,000 to Lake City Greenways Project to develop 60% construction drawings for a pocket park in the Olympic Hills neighborhood. (Community match: $15,713)
$25,000 to Friends of the Lake City Fred Meyer Garden Project to develop schematic design and construction drawings based on the conceptual design; and continue the work of fundraising, business outreach, artist engagement, and a robust public process. (Community match: $15,281)
District 6
$25,000 to Friends of Ballard Parklet to design, raise funds, and build Ballard’s first public parklet. (Community match: $43,800)
$20,400 to Bergen Place Activation Committee to produce free summer lunchtime concert series in Bergen Place Park. (Community match: $11,876)
District 7
$25,000 to the John Hay Foundation to conduct a community engagement process to design and develop upgrades to the school playground and play field areas. (Community match: $13,655)
$25,000 to Magnolia Chamber of Commerce to lead a community-based commercial revitalization effort which entails a preliminary retail assessment and community outreach. (Community match: $14,420)
$25,000 to Friends of Market to MOHAI Corridor to lead a community process to develop design standards for a pedestrian corridor from the waterfront to Lake Union along Bell Street and Terry Avenue. (Community match: $73,290)
$25,000 to Path with Art to organize the “We Are All Here” project in Pioneer Square to involve free workshops and a fall celebration to provide the public an opportunity to create art (painting, music, and poetry) and to spark dialogue in the community. (Community match: $61,420)
$25,000 to South Lake Union Community Council to complete final design of microparks along Westlake Avenue between Denny Way and Lake Union Park, plus finalize cost estimates and apply for construction permits. (Community match: $12,500)
$4,249 to Friends of Gilman Gardens to provide running water on site to the Gilman Gardens P-Patch community garden. (Community match: $4,400)