The South Park Information and Resource Center (SPIARC) will host a Grand Opening Event Saturday, January 30th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at their new location – 1408 14th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. SPIARC offers a variety of valuable services reaching out to people who might otherwise feel cut off from the community.
A multi-lingual resource for many of South Park’s immigrant population, SPIARC serves as a place where community members can connect with one another and obtain vital information. More than 100 people visit the information center each month. Services include environmental education for homes and businesses, employment assistance, English as a second language classes, translation services, childcare and connections with programs and services with Seattle and King County.

Stories in Place: Grandpa's Room (West Kong Yick)
02/13/25 by
Stories in Place: Grandpa's Room (West Kong Yick)
02/13/25 by