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International Special Review District Board announces candidates for annual election

The International Special Review District (ISRD) Board is hosting its annual election of board members. The election will be held by mail-in ballot only. Physical ballots must be received by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024. Community members who are registered for this election will receive… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating 15 years of the Community Liaison Program and honoring those who have served since the beginning

This year marks the 15th anniversary of our Community Liaisons (CL) Program. The program was established in 2009 to help the City do a better job of engaging with and serving historically underrepresented communities in Seattle. Community Liaisons support departments across the City of Seattle by serving as a neutral… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider the nomination of the Woodin House

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider the nomination of the Woodin House located at 5801 Corson Avenue S at its meeting on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. The nomination will be posted on the Department of Neighborhoods website under the heading of “Current Nominations.” The nomination is also linked to the meeting agenda.  … [ Keep reading ]

Volunteers needed to advise on development plans for Swedish Medical Center

Volunteers are needed to serve on the Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) to provide feedback on projects planned and under development by Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill Campus. This committee advises the City of Seattle and the institution on the potential impacts of their campus development on the surrounding neighborhoods. Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Fund Invests $1,123,111 in 27 Community-led Projects 

The City of Seattle has awarded $1,123,111 to support 27 community-initiated projects through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF). Twenty-seven community groups received awards averaging $41,597 and have pledged $1,034,436 to match their award through local cash donations, volunteer hours, donated materials, and in-kind professional services. Beginning… [ Keep reading ]

Share your memories about Section 504 civil rights protests 

The Section 504 protests were a landmark civil rights demonstration that took place in 1977 demanding implementation of laws requiring equal access to federal projects for people with disabilities. Sit-ins and demonstrations happened across the country, and as part of our Disability Activism History Project, we have learned that Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board Announces Candidates for Annual Election

The Ballard Avenue Landmark District (BLD) Board is holding its annual election of board members. Community members who are registered for this election will receive a ballot and self-addressed stamped envelope by mail. Physical ballots must be received by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods by Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Voters are encouraged to… [ Keep reading ]

Spring Into Service: A Two-Week Call to Kindness!

It’s time to shake off the winter blues and embrace the warmth of community spirit. This year, we are using our annual Neighbor Day recognition to kick off a two-week, city-wide movement culminating with the One Seattle Day of Service. This campaign for community engagement is focused on spreading joy,… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board Notice of Election

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) Historic Preservation Program conducts an annual election for the selection of Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board members who have been nominated by the community. All residents, persons who operate businesses, and property owners in the Ballard Avenue Landmark District, who have registered to vote… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Matching Fund wants your feedback

The Neighborhood Matching Fund is a grant program of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. The program has been operating for more than 30 years and has supported over 5,000 community-led projects. These endeavors include everything from park improvements to community festivals, and youth mentorship programs. We are working with the community to review… [ Keep reading ]