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Posts categorized under Public Participation Archives - Page 3 of 33 - Front Porch

Learn about Seattle’s new City Council District boundaries

The City of Seattle is updating the boundaries of its seven City Council Districts to give each district approximately the same number of residents and balance representation in city government. This means that some Seattle residents may be shifting to a different district. These changes do not affect current City… [ Keep reading ]

Volunteers needed to advise on development plans for Swedish Medical Center – Cherry Hill Campus

Volunteers are needed to serve on the Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) to provide feedback on projects planned and under development by Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill Campus. This committee advises the City of Seattle and the institution on the potential impacts of their campus development on the surrounding neighborhoods. Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate Neighbor Day by performing and honoring acts of kindness

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods invites all Seattle residents to celebrate Neighbor Day on Saturday, May 6 by indulging in and amplifying acts of kindness in their community. Neighbor Day is a special day set aside to reach out to neighbors, make new friends, and express thanks to those who help… [ Keep reading ]

Casa Latina uses Food Equity Fund grant to bring food security and job skills training to Latino immigrants

Since 1994, Casa Latina has provided training, knowledge, and support to Latino immigrants in Seattle. Their services include Day Worker Center, free English language classes, job skills training, employment programs, and much more, all focused on breaking the cycle of poverty within Latino immigrant communities and helping women and men… [ Keep reading ]

Amplify acts of kindness: Submit a nomination for Neighbor Day 2023

Español Tiếng Việt 简体中文 繁體中文 한국어 af Soomaali Tagalog Generosity, empathy, and kindness are essential to a healthy, thriving community. As we continue to rebuild and reconnect after several challenging years, we want to highlight stories about the ways community members across Seattle have gone above and beyond to give… [ Keep reading ]

More than 44,000 pounds of produce donated to local food banks and meal programs through the P-Patch Giving Garden Program

Serving as both restorative and neighborhood gathering spaces, Seattle’s P-Patch community gardens have strengthened community networks through civic engagement and comradery since their formation in 1973. Giving back to the community through volunteer hours and donations of fresh, organic, and locally grown produce has long been a priority of the… [ Keep reading ]

Public is invited to comment on zoning modifications at West Seattle High School

The public is invited to share its feedback regarding the development plans for West Seattle High School located at 3000 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116. The Seattle School District is requesting modifications (also known as “departures”) from City zoning regulations per Seattle Municipal Code, SMC 23.51B, and the Public… [ Keep reading ]

Volunteers needed to advise on development plans for University Of Washington Medical Center, Northwest Campus

Volunteers are needed to serve on a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) to help develop the new Master Plan for University of Washington Medical Center, Northwest Campus. The committee advises the City of Seattle and the institution on the potential impacts of their campus development on the surrounding neighborhoods. Seattle Department… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Redistricting Commission adopts final City Council District map

After more than a year of work, the Seattle Redistricting Commission has voted to adopt the Final City Council Districts Plan. The plan follows Washington state and Seattle City Charter regulations and considers months of public engagement and work with Geographic Information System experts and mapping tools. Members of the public… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell seeks members for the Landmarks Preservation Board Architect position

Mayor Bruce Harrell is seeking a new member to serve on the Landmarks Preservation Board in the Architect position. The 12-member Landmarks Preservation Board makes recommendations to Seattle City Council for landmark designation, and reviews proposed alterations to designated features of landmark properties. The Board is composed of two architects;… [ Keep reading ]