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Posts tagged with Pioneer Square Historic District Archives - Front Porch

Mayor Harrell seeks new member for the Pioneer Square Preservation Board

Mayor Bruce Harrell invites community members to apply for open positions on the Pioneer Square Preservation Board. Open membership roles include Property Owner, Attorney, and an At-Large position. Individuals who have an interest in historic preservation and/or familiarity with Pioneer Square are encouraged to apply. The ten-member Pioneer Square Preservation… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Durkan seeks new members for Pioneer Square Preservation Board

Mayor Jenny Durkan invites community members to apply for open positions on the Pioneer Square Preservation Board. The four open positions are: 1) Architect, 2) Architectural Historian/Historian, 3) Attorney, and 4) At-Large member that lives in the District. Individuals who have an interest in historic preservation and/or familiarity with Pioneer Square are encouraged to apply.   The 10-member Pioneer… [ Keep reading ]

City Council legislates temporary changes to City’s Historic Preservation Program due to impacts of COVID-19

All of us have experienced quite a bit of change over these past weeks of COVID-19 as we navigate this rapidly developing crisis – for the City and our residents. In response to COVID-19, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON), along with all City departments, have shifted and refocused our efforts… [ Keep reading ]

Community Donates Funding to Repair Historic Pergola

Western Washington Honda Dealers Association and Gofundme #HowSeattleRiots creators will present donations of $10,000 and $16,000 respectfully to the Seattle Parks Foundation at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11 in Pioneer Square, 100 Yesler Way. The donations will fund needed repairs for the historic landmark Pergola in the Pioneer Square… [ Keep reading ]