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Posts tagged with Community Emergency Hubs Archives - Front Porch

Be “Rumble Ready”– Practice Earthquake Response with Your Neighbors

by Cindi Barker If Seattle were to experience an earthquake or another large, disruptive event, are neighbors ready to support one another until help can arrive? The Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs are here to help and they are holding their major yearly practice on June 1 and June 9. The… [ Keep reading ]

Receive up to $1,800 to start a Community Emergency Hub

In partnership with the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is offering up to $27,000 in funding to support Community Emergency Hubs throughout the city.  This is enough to provide 15 groups with up to $1,800 to create their own Hub-in-a-Box. A Hub-in-a-Box contains the essential… [ Keep reading ]

FEMA Grant to Create Emergency Hubs in Southeast Seattle P-Patch Community Gardens

Mayor Mike McGinn announced in May that the Seattle Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DoN) have been awarded $35,000 from the FEMA Community Resilience Innovation Challenge. The cash award will establish community emergency preparedness “Hubs” in selected P-Patch community gardens in southeast Seattle, in addition… [ Keep reading ]