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Posts tagged with Seattle Office of Emergency Management Archives - Front Porch

Be “Rumble Ready”– Practice Earthquake Response with Your Neighbors

by Cindi Barker If Seattle were to experience an earthquake or another large, disruptive event, are neighbors ready to support one another until help can arrive? The Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs are here to help and they are holding their major yearly practice on June 1 and June 9. The… [ Keep reading ]

New Emergency Hubs at P-Patch Gardens Underway

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Seattle Office of Emergency Management received a $35,000 Community Resilience Award from FEMA to establish community hubs at P-Patch community gardens that serve as gathering places in an emergency. The funds supported volunteer training, translations and emergency hub kits at 12 southeast Seattle gardens with… [ Keep reading ]

Free emergency preparedness training offered at Southeast Seattle P-Patch community gardens

Free training on emergency preparedness will be offered at six Southeast Seattle P-Patch community gardens beginning in September. The training will cover basic preparedness, how to stay safe in an earthquake, using the P-Patch as a Community Emergency Hub, and a review of supplies that will be stored at the… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Matching Fund hosts community workshops

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods will hold two workshops for community members interested in applying to the fall cycle of the Small and Simple Projects Fund, a program of the Neighborhood Matching Fund.  Attendees will learn how to develop a competitive proposal for any project and hear about resources available for… [ Keep reading ]