In a continued effort to mitigate the South Park Bridge closure and foster a stronger sense of community in the neighborhood, the Department of Parks and Recreation will team up with the South Park Outdoor Cinema (SPOC) to host four movie dates through the month of August. The movies will be shown in the Napoli’s Parking Lot (8600 14th Ave S) beginning at 9:30 p.m. Make sure to come early to participate in some prize drawings and grab some food. The movies for the month of August are listed below:
August 7 Wallace and Gromit in the Curse of the Wererabbit
August 14 Where the Wild Things Are
August 21 Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
August 28 UP
The South Park Outdoor Cinema is another event that is part of the City of Seattle’s Bridge Closure Response—an effort to help the South Park Community through the impacts of the bridge closure. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods has been coordinating various city efforts and strategies to build South Park as a destination. Look for more exciting events coming in August!