Home Research 201: Delve Deeper Into Your Home’s History
A free lecture sponsored by the Ballard Historical Society
Thursday, October 21, 2010
7:00 p.m.- 8:15 p.m.
Speaker: Greg Lange, Puget Sound Regional Archives
Sunset Hill Community Center, 3003 NW 66th Street
(206) 992-7010 for more information
Greg Lange will use his research of a 1902 house in Fremont to guide you through the process of researching an old home. He’ll bring interesting maps, tax records, and directories that you would explore on a visit to the Puget Sound Regional Archives.
Mr. Lange researched a 1902 vernacular-style house at the request of the City of Seattle when the community rallied against demolition of the property.
Join us! Mr. Lange’s lecture is preceded by a brief annual meeting. BHS members vote on certain board positions and have an opportunity to volunteer or comment on the direction of the organization.
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