Most people are aware of the November 6th General Election, but did you also know there is an annual community-based election in the International Special Review District? On the third Tuesday each November eligible members of the Chinatown International District community cast ballots to elect candidates who will represent the neighborhood by serving on the International Special Review District Board.
The special character of the Chinatown/International District is recognized and protected by City Ordinance. In 1973, the International Special Review District (ISRD) Board was created to preserve, protect and enhance the cultural, economic, and historical qualities of the area and, in particular, its unique Asian character. The Board reviews both changes to individual businesses and changes that may impact the entire district. To preserve this special character, the ISRD Board must review and approve all uses including use of the public sidewalks, new construction, and changes to building exteriors within the district, including signs or new paint colors or security gates, before installation or construction.
The ISRD Board has seven members, five elected by the community and two appointed by the Mayor. Board members serve two year terms. Details about eligibility for serving on the ISRD Board or voting in the election can be found on the District’s website, or you may contact the Board Coordinator, Rebecca Frestedt, directly at or 684-0226.
For information about opportunities to serve on other historic district Boards and Commissions, check Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Front Porch Blog for future notices or visit the City’s Boards and Commissions website,