Neighbor Appreciation Day on Saturday, February 9 offers a plethora of neighborhood clean-up opportunities, ranging from spruce ups of neighborhood parks to spiffing up the downtown waterfront with Councilmember Sally Bagshaw and other downtown neighbors. The downtown waterfront clean up begins at 9 a.m. at Pier 57 (near the great wheel) and kicks off with coffee and pastries courtesy of Alaska Sourdough Bakery. Gloves and cleaning supplies and equipment are being donated by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. As a reward for the clean-up crew, Ivar’s will provide free lunch to all participants. Click here for more information and to register for the clean-up. Click here for a complete list of neighborhood clean-ups and other Neighbor Appreciation Day events.
Seattle wins National Civic League All-American Ci...
06/18/24 by
Seattle wins National Civic League All-American Ci...
06/18/24 by