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City of Seattle Awards Nearly $439,000 in Matching Funds for Neighborhood Projects

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods recently awarded nearly $439,000, in matching funds to support 23 neighborhood-initiated projects across the city of Seattle. Community groups received Small and Simple Projects Fund awards from the city’s Neighborhood Matching Fund Program for projects that range from an oral history project on Central Area seniors to events on the culinary heritage of Chinese Americans.

The Small and Simple Projects Fund, one of three funds offered through the Neighborhood Matching Fund, provides awards of up to $25,000 to community organizations committed to fostering and building a better community. Recipients of the fund match their awards through a combination of locally raised money, donated materials, and volunteer labor. These recent awards range from $7,750 to $25,000, and the organizations have pledged to match the city’s $438,770 contribution with resources valued at $497,877.

“For 26 years, the Neighborhood Matching Fund has been a fantastic resource for Seattle’s neighborhoods across this city,” said Berne Matsuno, director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. “What makes it so successful is the community connection and engagement that happens among neighbors as they work together to improve their community.”

The Small and Simple Projects Fund opens again to applications early next year; deadline dates will be announced in late December. To learn more visit

Click here to see the list of awarded projects.