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Tips for Making the Most of One Seattle Volunteering Experience 

The One Seattle Day of Service is Saturday, May 18. This is a great opportunity to get out and serve your community in whatever way works best for you. Here are some tips for how to make the most of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods volunteer opportunities. 

  1. Dress comfortably and bring work or garden gloves if you have them. 
  1. Say hello to other volunteers and introduce yourself. 
  1. Check-in with organizers when you arrive and when you leave. 
  1. Take breaks whenever you need them. 
  1. Ride transit if you can or carpool—parking may be tough. 
  1. Bring water and snacks. 
  1. Take pictures and share on social with hashtags #NeighborDay #OneSeattle #SpringIntoService . 
  1. If you can’t volunteer in-person, consider donating food or supplies, or ask if there are tasks you could do from home. 

Volunteering with Seattle Department of Neighborhoods programs 

  1. Historic Districts  
    Historic Districts have different regulations to keep the neighbor reflecting the unique character of its history and culture. If you are volunteering in a historic district make sure any work complies with neighborhood restrictions, especially if it includes painting, graffiti removal, planting trees, or building structures. 
  1. P-Patch Community Gardens 
    There are over 90 gardens across the city, and they are all open to the public. Many gardens serve as parks for neighborhoods and could use your help with maintaining the space. Find gardens that are near you and email P-Patch staff to get in touch with volunteer garden coordinators. 
  1. Community Calendar
    Check out our community calendar to discover other volunteer opportunities Visit the One Seattle Day of Service page to find volunteer activities happening across the city on Saturday, May 18. 
A group of volunteers rake mulch in Pioneer Square.