A touch of downtown class with a dash of social justice and community.
Hosts Markham Petty of The Centennial Luxury Apartments and Elizabeth Campbell of Sustainable Belltown request the honor of your presence at our first annual downtown garden party.
Enjoy relaxing afternoon refreshments around our beautiful urban gardens in celebration of our collaboration to bring gardening to the rooftops and fresh, delicious food to our neighbors at NW Harvest.
Guest speaker Colin McCrate of the Seattle Urban Farm Company (www.seattleurbanfarmco.com) will share his insights on the future of urban agriculture in Seattle.
You can learn about how our produce goes from garden to table, or how we are bringing the classic past time of gardening back to the City skyline!
Save the date: May 8th 2010
1-4 PM
The Centennial Apartment Homes
2515 Fourth Avenue
late comers will be welcomed, though your response is appreciated
responde sil vous plate: (206) 441-1152 or (206) 443-9300
or electronically to m petty@eqr.com