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Squire Park P-Patch-Seeds of Jazz Public Art Fence Project

There is some new artwork on the corner of 14th Ave and Fir in the Squire Park Neighborhood! 


Lead Artist Mary Cross, and teaching artists Brent McDonald and Mike Lawson worked with 24 Youth from Coyote Central’s Hit the Streets program to create and install smaller fence panels at the Squire Park P-Patch Community Garden.  The installation celebration was held on July 23, 2010.  The youth began the day working around the garden: weeding the planting strips that surround the garden; followed by a short presentation, which included guest speaker David Holden (jazz musician and son of Oscar Holden/Patriarch of Seattle Jazz); and congrats to all the youth.  The presentation was followed by a lunch BBQ and the installation of the 7 smaller panels of art.

Seeds of Jazz are artistic panels integrated into a new fence celebrate the rich history of the Jackson Street era. The neighborhood was the stomping ground for musicians playing in the numerous local clubs. Coss worked with Garfield High School Jazz Band members to interview musicians. This gathering of personal stories compliments her research.  Funding for the fence and design came from the Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund Program

The fence is still not complete.  The garden, community, and artist Mary Coss are looking for funding to complete the project and install the final larger corner panel that maps out all the jazz clubs and brings together the 7 smaller panels completed this year.  If you have funding ideas contact she can link you up with the community members working on this project.