Join us at the Blues for Food Fest on Saturday, Sept. 4 at Magnuson Park.
This event strives to raise awareness of community gardens and the foodbank gardens that voluntarily grow 40,000 pounds of fresh organic produce that is donated to local area foodbanks, meals on wheels programs and women and children shelters. And by promoting and sustaining the blues artists, their passion for blues and their commitment to life, love and giving back to their communities, a special relationship will be created between musical networks and food networks. Together we can reap a flavorful harvest.
In the past 30 years Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ P-Patch community gardens have served as a model example of how small groups gathering collectively to garden, can inspire social change. One of the most important ways that Seattle P-Patches give back to their communities is through their giving gardens or food bank gardens. In 2008 these food bank gardens and community farms donated 20 tons of fresh organic produce to local area food banks, meals on wheels programs, women’s and children’s shelters and transitional housing programs.
Proceeds from the Blues for Food Fest go to The P-Patch Trust and the Washington Blues Society’s musicians relief fund. The P-Patch Trust is a non-profit organization that works to prevent hunger by promoting community gardening in Seattle and by supporting programs that distribute food to those in need and help people grow their own food.
For tickets and schedule, visit: