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Downtown Volunteer Fair, April 3

Come to the First Annual Downtown Volunteer Fair on Sunday, April 3, noon-4:00 pm at Christ Our Hope Catholic Church, in The Josephinum at Second Avenue & Stewart Street.

Noon3:00 pm:  Meet representatives of 25 agencies serving the poor, homeless and needy. Hear from experts, advocates and current volunteers. Learn how YOU can make a difference!!! Special program, 3:00-4:00 pm: “From Charity to Justice: Homeless Advocacy 101” by Alison Eisinger, Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness. The Fair is sponsored by Christ Our Hope, co-sponsored by the Church Council of Greater Seattle, the Downtown Seattle Association and the Pike Place Market Foundation, and supported by Virginia Mason Medical Center. For information, call (206) 448-8826. Visit the web site at and on Facebook at “annual-downtown-volunteer-fair“.

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