You are invited to attend a January 17 workshop on upcoming matching fund opportunities for community–initiated neighborhood or technology projects. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Department of Information Technology are hosting a joint workshop from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center on 4408 Delridge Way SW. The workshop will present information on the criteria and application guidelines for both the Small and Simple Projects Fund and the Technology Matching Fund. If you can’t attend this workshop, our department is hosting another workshop on the Small and Simple Projects Fund. It will be on January 29 at 6 p.m. at the Greenwood Public Library on 8016 Greenwood Ave N. Interpretation services can be requested for either workshop by contacting us at least one week prior to the workshop.
The Small and Simple Projects Fund, part of our Neighborhood Matching Fund, awards up to $25,000 to support groups in building community relationships around a project. The application deadline is March 4 at 5 p.m. For information on the Small and Simple Projects Fund, visit or phone 206.684.0464 or email And for information on the Technology Matching Fund, visit or call Delia Burke at 206.233.2751.