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Is your neighborhood in need of some minor enhancements? You should consider applying for the Neighborhood Park & Street Fund – Deadline is February 4!

It could be a marked crosswalk, a curb ramp, a short-stretch of sidewalk, sidewalk repair, curb bulbs, pedestrian countdown signals, a median island, or a traffic circle.  Or maybe your neighborhood park could use some playground improvements, trail upgrades, tennis or basketball court repaving, park benches or tables, or accessibility improvements? 

The Neighborhood Park & Street Fund (NPSF) awards up to $90K to fund park or street improvements, so make sure you get your application in by February 4th!

If you want to see how much the project you have in mind would cost, check out SDOT’s list of approximate project costs per project type.

For more information, please visit the NPSF website or for transportation related projects contact John Vander Sluis, SDOT NPSF project manager, at or (206) 684-4617.  For parks related projects, contact or (206) 684-7556.