More than 200 people participated in one of the University District’s favorite traditions, the U District Swag Event. Held at the U District Farmers Market, neighbors gathered greens, pine cones, ribbon and wire and let their creativity run wild! Plus, for the first time, neighbors made enough swags for the Food Bank to deliver a swag with every bag they take to home-bound seniors (61 swags!!!). Seattle Public Utilities crews hauled greens from the Cedar River watershed and the U District Farmers Market, the U District Partnership, the U District BIA, University Heights, Display and Costume Design, local merchants, and the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods contributed to the event.
Treats from Rockridge Orchards, Mighty O and Starbucks helped to fuel the creativity. Guests from ROOTS (young adult shelter) again worked the event and welcomed the opportunity to be part of this community tradition (plus, make a little money). Be sure to put this event on your calendar for next December and be a part of the fun, joy, and spirit of the season. To view more photos from the event click here.