(article by Julie Bryan, P-Patch Community Garden Coordinator)
The 2015 Seattle Disaster Relief Trails will take place Saturday, September 12, from 11am to 3pm. This is a fun, emergency preparedness event which mobilizes bicyclists to carry emergency supplies to and from community and communication Hubs throughout the Central District, Madison Park, Beacon Hill, and Rainier Valley. Beacon Food Forest, Judkins and Sunrise P-Patch community gardens are part of this fun event.
Check it out! https://seattledrt.wordpress.com/
This year, the Seattle DRT will be held in partnership with the inaugural Seattle Summer Parkways, Seattle Emergency Hubs and the Seattle Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS).
You can participate by being a spectator or cyclist, and visiting the P-Patch gardens and educational sessions they are offering to cyclists and spectators.
Other P-Patches in the Rainier Valley that host Community Emergency Hubs are Angel Morgan, Hillman City, John C. Little, Lucky, 29, Power Garden, Youth and Family Garden, Rockery, Thistle, Judkins, Beacon Food Forest, Maa nyei lai ndeic( My Mothers Garden), Sunrise and Dakota . You can find them all at http://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/p-patch-community-gardening.