On Saturday, Mayor Ed Murray will lead a Find It, Fix It Community Walk in Delridge with neighbors to identify physical changes in the neighborhood that improve maintenance and support public safety. Examples of issues to address include overgrown trees, graffiti, street light outages, and litter. Once the elements are identified, the City and community work together to fix the problems.
The first three Find It, Fix It walks of 2015 have resulted in infrastructure improvements ranging from new trash and recycle bins to neighborhood murals and upgraded street lighting. Go to murray.seattle.gov/finditfixit for more information.
MAP of full walk route.
DOWNLOAD the Find It, Fix It smartphone app.
WHO: Mayor Ed Murray
Council President Tim Burgess
Councilmember Tom Rasmussen
Members of Delridge community
Area business owners
Represenatives from the Seattle Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Transporation, Public Utilties, and others.
WHAT: Find It, Fix It Community Walk with neighbors to identify and fix nuisance and safety issues in the Delridge neighborhood
WHEN: Saturday, October 3
11A.M. to 1P.M.
WHERE: Walk will begin at at Louisa Boren STEM K-8
5950 Delridge Way SW 98106
See attached MAP for full walk route.