Is your neighborhood business group, chamber of commerce, or business district planning an activity for Small Business Saturday? If so, your group may qualify for support from Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Fund program. Its Small Sparks Fund provides matching dollars of up to $1000 for neighborhood-initiated projects that promote community engagement.
Small Business Saturday and Shop Small are efforts to promote shopping and dining at small independent businesses in neighborhood business districts during the holiday season. This year’s Small Business Saturday is November 28, and the Shop Small campaign lasts through the holiday season.
The Small Sparks Fund has resources to support efforts to promote your business district. Activities could include events, entertainment, or marketing to neighborhoods during the winter season, but the ideas are endless. The application is online at
The deadline to apply for Small Business Saturday is October 16; and for other events, the deadline is at least six weeks before your activity. To learn more call 206-733-9916 or visit our website at