On March 16, the City of Seattle opened a temporary office to support those affected by the March 9 explosion. Staff from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Office of Economic Development have been meeting with individuals and business owners to help them receive information and assistance. Now that immediate needs are handled, the office will close on Friday, March 25. However, city staff is available to help anyone who has questions or needs assistance. Please feel free to call Thomas Whittemore, Neighborhood District Coordinator, at 206-396-2788
or email him at Thomas.whittemore@seattle.gov or contact AJ Cari of the Office of Economic Development at aj.cari@seattle.gov or 206-384-0133 for business questions. You can also visit our Greenwood Assistance and Resources webpage for additional information and contacts.
There were several residents directly affected by the explosion and no longer had access to their homes. After urgent needs such as food, clothing and emergency shelter were taken care of by the American Red Cross, its caseworkers continue to provide personal support to those displaced and are helping to create recovery plans, navigate paperwork, and locate help from other agencies and partners, including the Phinney Neighborhood Association.
Since the beginning, the Phinney Neighborhood Association has been an integral part of the recovery by organizing the amazing outpouring of financial support for the Greenwood community. Last week, it cut initial relief checks to the 12 residents evacuated from apartments above Gordito’s and the 30 displaced employees from damaged businesses. It has also arranged for storage units for those who needed to store belongings while their apartments are being repaired. This week, the fundraising efforts have reached $234,053 with 1,811 people and businesses donating, plus the many uncounted folks who gave cash! Over 40 businesses have hosted or are hosting benefits in the coming weeks. To learn more visit PNA’s Greenwood Relief.
Thank you, Greenwood, as we work on recovery efforts together.