The Mayor’s Education Summit Community Conversation series took place all over the city to collect ideas from students, parents, and advocates about how the City of Seattle can help improve educational opportunities for all children and youth in Seattle. The last Community Conversation is at the end of April. And then you are invited to the Mayor’s Education Summit where you’ll hear a summary of the top ideas and suggestions gathered during the two-month-long community conversation process.
The Mayor and education experts will present actions the City can take to reduce the education disparities among our children and close the achievement gap so all kids can succeed in school. “Perhaps the greatest challenge we face in addressing the opportunity gap is the persistent disparities in our public schools,” said Mayor Murray. “This is not just the responsibility of the Seattle school district. All of us have a responsibility to support the success of these students. These children are our children and we must not fail them.”
The last time the City convened an Education Summit was in 1990, when then Mayor Norm Rice established a deeper partnership between the City, Seattle Public Schools and education advocates. City residents came together to propose a new support for students and educators, the Families & Education Levy.
The Mayor’s Education Summit will take place on Saturday, April 30 at Garfield Community Center (2323 E Cherry St, Seattle, WA 98122).
Space is limited. Please RSVP today!
Volunteers Needed!
We are also seeking volunteers to help out with the Mayor’s Education Summit to be held at Garfield Community Center on Saturday, April 30, 2016. Volunteers will be needed largely for shifts between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm on April 30, as well as a few hours for setup on the Friday evening prior. If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out this online Volunteer Sign-up Form, and we will contact you with additional information.
For more information about volunteering at the Summit, please contact Stacey Jehlik (stacey.jehlik@seattle.gov or 206.684.8266).