What would you do with $700,000 of Seattle’s City budget? Youth get to make that decision by participating in Youth Voice, Youth Choice Vote Week, May 21-29.
Youth Voice, Youth Choice is a new participatory budgeting initiative from the City of Seattle in which youth ages 11-25 democratically decide how to spend a portion of the City’s budget. After several months of collecting ideas from community members, and youth volunteers turning those ideas into proposals, we’re readying for the vote which will occur May 21-29. Youth will cast their vote for their favorite projects which range from park improvements to youth programs to arts funding.
If you live, work, or go to school in Seattle, are between the ages of 11-25, and want to make a difference in your community, cast your vote at an in-person polling site or vote online. The projects that receive the most votes will be funded by the City! Visit our webpage for more details on how to vote or to hold a polling site of your own.