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Posts categorized under Boards and Commissions Archives - Page 28 of 30 - Front Porch

Landmarks Preservation Board to Consider Nomination of the Guild 45th Theater for Landmark Status

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider nomination of the Guild 45th Theater (2115 North 45th Street) on Wednesday, April 6 at 3:30 p.m. in Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, Floor L2, Room L280 (Boards and Commissions Room). The public is invited to attend the meeting and make comments. Written… [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to consider nomination of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Exchange in Queen Anne for Landmark Status

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider nomination of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Exchange (1529 4th Ave W) on Wednesday, March 16 at 3:30 p.m. in the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Avenue, 40th Floor (Room 4060). The public is invited to attend the meeting and make comments. Written comments should… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray Seeks Members for Pioneer Square Preservation Board

Mayor Ed Murray is looking for three new members to serve on the Pioneer Square Preservation Board in the positions of historian/architectural historian, Pioneer Square retail business owner, and a member-at-large. Individuals who have an architectural or engineering background with an interest in historic preservation, and/or individuals who are familiar… [ Keep reading ]

New Members Sought for the Sand Point Naval Air Station Landmark District’s Review Committee

The Landmarks Preservation Board is seeking three new members to serve on the Sand Point Naval Air Station Landmark District’s Application Review Committee (ARC). The open positions include two positions for property owners, residents, or tenants located within the Landmark District; and one position for a community member with a… [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to Consider Nomination of Bryant’s Marina/UW Police Facilities for Landmark Status

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider nomination of Bryant’s Marina/UW Police Facilities (1109-1137 NE Boat Street) on Wednesday, February 3 at 3:30 p.m. in the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Avenue, 40th Floor (Room 4060). The public is invited to attend the meeting and make comments. Written comments should be… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray Seeks new Member for International Special Review District Board

Mayor Edward Murray invites community members to apply for an open position on the International Special Review District Board. The seven-member International Special Review District Board reviews façade alterations, signs, new construction, changes of use, and street improvements and makes recommendations to the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Director for all… [ Keep reading ]

P-I Globe Designated a City Landmark

Today Mayor Ed Murray’s signed an ordinance designating the P-I Globe as a City landmark, culminating a process that began more than three years ago. “Since 1948, the P-I Globe has been a familiar icon in this city,” said Mayor Ed Murray. “I’m pleased this landmark will be preserved and… [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to consider nomination of Lincoln High School for Landmark Status

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider nomination of Lincoln High School in Wallingford (4400 Interlake Ave N) on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. in the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Avenue, 40th Floor (Room 4060). The public is invited to attend the meeting and make comments. Written comments… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray Seeks new Member for International Special Review District Board

Mayor Edward Murray invites community members to apply for an open position on the International Special Review District Board. The seven-member International Special Review District Board reviews façade alterations, signs, new construction, changes of use, and street improvements and makes recommendations to the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Director for all… [ Keep reading ]

New Members Sought for the Sand Point Naval Air Station Landmark District Review Committee

The Landmarks Preservation Board is seeking three new members to serve on the Sand Point Naval Air Station Landmark District’s Application Review Committee (ARC). The open positions include two positions for property owners, residents, or tenants located within the Landmark District; and one position for a community member with a… [ Keep reading ]