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Greenwood Avenue is Open to Traffic

As the investigation continues into the explosion that destroyed a building near 85th Street and Greenwood Avenue, a multi-functional team from the City of Seattle has been able to open an additional lane of Greenwood Avenue for traffic. Greenwood now has two traffic lanes for northbound traffic and one southbound… [ Keep reading ]

City and Community Working to Clean up Greenwood

As clean up continues today at the Greenwood incident site, city departments are working together with our state and utility partners. We appreciate everyone’s patience, especially the Greenwood neighborhood, while this work continues. Deputy Mayor Joncas stopped by to tour the site and impacts to the neighborhood to show her support… [ Keep reading ]

Bringing City Hall to Greenwood. Come Join Us!

Come meet and talk with Mayor Murray & Department Directors about how Seattle is at work in your neighborhood! It’s happening this Saturday from 2-4 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior Center (525 N. 85th St.) Connect with City resources and learn about local projects and programs that are working to… [ Keep reading ]

Info to help you stay safe in this winter weather

Visit our homepage and to get tools and information about the winter storm: