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Lots of Joy and Creativity at the 13th Annual U District Swag Party

More than 200 people participated in one of the University District’s favorite traditions, the U District Swag Event. Held at the U District Farmers Market, neighbors gathered greens, pine cones, ribbon and wire and let their creativity run wild!  Plus, for the first time, neighbors made enough swags for the… [ Keep reading ]

North Ave Mural Project now on Video

The Sanctuary Art Center was awarded $13,360 from the Small and Simple Projects Fund for creation of the North Ave Mural on the wall of J’s Market on the SW corner of University Way and 50th Street NE.   One of the primary goals of the mural was to beautify and… [ Keep reading ]

Swag-o-Rama at the U-District Farmers’ Market this Saturday!

Unveiling of the North Avenue Mural this Saturday

Join Mayor McGinn, Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, the North Ave Mural Steering Committee, and fellow U-District neighbors to welcome the North Ave Mural to the neighborhood!  Heidi Barnett, the artist, with support from Sanctuary Art Center artists, Urban Artworks, and many community volunteers has been working day and night to bring… [ Keep reading ]

Community Volunteers Spruce up the U-District

by Jenny Frankl, North Region Neighborhood District Coordinator It was a gorgeous, sunny Saturday for the 20th annual “U-District Community Clean-Up” on May 11th, 2013.  Over 140 U-District neighbors – including students, families, churches, local businesses, community groups, youth groups, and non-profits – came together to give the U-District that extra… [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to consider landmark nomination for the Neptune Theater

The Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will consider landmark nomination for the Neptune Building and Theater located at 1301-1313 NE 45th In the University District. The meeting will be on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. in the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Avenue, 40th Floor, in Room 4060. The… [ Keep reading ]

The World is Fun hosts fun and a movie Sunday evening

The World is Fun will provide fun and games and a free showing of “The Goonies” this Sunday, August 18 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Gasworks Park.  The fun, is funded in part, by a Neighborhood Matching Fund Small and Simple award.  Click here for more information.

University P-Patch sale offers unique Irises, among other garden delights August 20-21

Help support the University P-Patch and pick up some unusual iris and other fall bulbs for your garden!  The sale also features fall veggie starts, house plants and delicious cupcakes.  When: Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Where? 7th Ave NE near NE 40th, Seattle WA… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Service Center lunch closures March 21

Due to staff illness two Neighborhood Service Centers will be closed for one hour for lunch today, Monday, March 21.  West Seattle will close from 1:00-2:00. University will close from 2:30-3:30.