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Application deadline approaches for funding to support neighborhood projects

July 8, 2010 (SEATTLE, WA)—The last 2010 deadline for applications to the Small and Simple Projects Fund, a fund of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund Program, is Monday, July 12.  This is a great opportunity for any neighborhood or community based group that has an idea for a community project to receive matching funds of up to $20,000. 

Past Small and Simple projects have included creation of murals, playground improvements, and youth programs, to name a few.  To learn more about the funds or to apply, visit

The Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) program was created in 1988. All projects are initiated, planned and implemented by community members in partnership with Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Every award is matched by neighborhoods’ or communities’ resources of volunteer labor, donated materials, donated professional services or cash. Since the program was created 22 years ago, the Neighborhood Matching Fund has awarded over $45 million with a community match of more than $68 million. Projects have involved a total of more than 80,000 volunteers who have donated over 560,000 work hours.