Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is seeking individuals interested in serving on the steering committee of the new Seattle Participatory Budgeting Program(PB). PB is a democratic process through which Seattle youth ages 13-19 decide how to spend part of the City’s budget. In the Mayor’s 2016 Proposed Budget, $500,000 has been set aside for PB in its inaugural year.
“We are empowering our young people to help create the services and resources that speak to their concerns,” said Mayor Ed Murray. “This is your chance to address unmet needs, create a brighter future and support a more equitable community for all our youth.”
Along with representatives from the Seattle Youth Commission and the City Neighborhood Council, the steering committee will include youth leaders and representatives from Seattle organizations working with youth that are involved in civic engagement, empowerment and organizing, good government, research, planning and policy, community organizing, community education, grant making, social justice giving, or urban infrastructure. This is a volunteer board that will serve from November 2015 to July 2016.
“The Participatory Budgeting steering committee is a great opportunity for young people to directly shape how city money is spent, and learn how the city works—from the inside,” said Councilmember Nick Licata.
Visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/youth-participatory-budgeting to learn more about the steering committee and to apply. The deadline for applications is Friday, November 13 at 5 p.m. For questions, contact Rahwa Habte at 206.615.2008 or Rahwa.habte@seattle.gov.