You asked for it, youth of Seattle! And, now, with unprecedented ‘City’ speed, we just rolled out the first of many Youth Voice, Youth Choice projects. To refresh your memory, Safe Routes to Schools was one of the projects that you prioritized via Youth Voice, Youth Choice with YOUR VOTE this past May.
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has just finished construction on one of the three Safe Routes to Schools projects by installing a painted curb bulb at S Henderson St and 53rd Ave S near the Rainier Beach High School. And not just any kind of paint, but a checker board pattern of blue and orange. Go Vikings!
That’s right, Rainier Beach High School students, just in time for your first day of school in September.
As for the other two Safe Routes to Schools projects, installation of speed humps on S Kenyon St/Way near Wing Luke Elementary School and a raised crosswalk at the intersection of 16th Ave SW & SW Myrtle St, these will be built in 2017.
Stay tuned for more details on those projects in the coming months!
Full list of 2016 awarded projects: