Following this summer’s Find It, Fix It Community Walk in the Belltown neighborhood, local resident Christine Federhart submitted a Find It, Fix It Community Project Grant application focused on increasing the vibrancy of the Belltown P-Patch Community Garden. The project was awarded $1,540.
Christine then worked with artist/gardeners Becky Jhu and Hanahn Korman to design and paint a new mural, entitled Why Not Grow?, on the wall and garage of the P-Patch. She also coordinated with Belltown P-Patch Team Lead Chris Gorley to use part of the funds to re-soil, plant, and mulch the common areas of the garden.
“In essence, the Garden grows you. This mural speaks of connectedness, exploration and courage to grow.” – Christine Federhart
Twenty-five community volunteers worked in the garden and on the mural for a total of 177 collective hours. All of their work has gone a long way toward making the immediate boundaries of the garden more friendly, accessible, and colorful.
The mural will be in progress for the next few weeks (weather permitting). If you want to see it in person, it is located on Elliott Avenue near Vine Street.