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Join Us for Housing Affordability & Livability Open Houses

Housing Affordability & LivabilitySeattle Department of Neighborhoods, in collaboration with Office of Housing, Seattle Parks & Recreation, Office of Planning & Community Development, Seattle Department of Transportation, and others, is hosting five Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Open Houses across the city this spring.

Everyone interested in making a more affordable, livable Seattle is invited to come, learn, and join in conversation with your neighbors. Each open house will feature maps detailing proposed changes to Urban Villages in the event’s specific focus region.

These open houses are a great chance to talk with City staff, connect with your neighbors, and share information. All ages are welcome, so feel free to bring the kids. We will have complimentary food and beverages.

If you can’t attend but want to know how to still make your voice heard, scroll to the bottom of this article.

We hope to see you there!

NW Neighborhoods
April 27, 6-8pm
Hale’s Ales Brewery – 4301 Leary Way NW

NE Neighborhoods
April 29, 1:30-3:30pm
Northgate Community Center – 10510 5th Ave NE

SW Neighborhoods
May 6, 10am -12pm
Westside School – 10404 34th Ave SW

SE Neighborhoods
May 13, 10am-12pm
Rainier Beach Community Center – 4754 S Henderson St

Central Neighborhoods
May 16, 6-8pm
Washington Hall – 153 14th Ave

What can I expect from these Open Houses?

You can check out all the information and talk with City staff, as well as with your neighbors. City staff will be available to talk one-on-one. They can also take your comments.

What will be done with the comments collected?

As a whole, all collected comments will help shape and change policy and programs.

What if I can’t attend but I want to give comment on these projects?

  • There are several ways to comment, so choose what works best for you: