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Get Ready for Night Out on August 1

Many of you are probably already busy planning your neighborhood’s Night Out event for August 1. But, for those of you that aren’t, there is still time! Registration with the Seattle Police Department is open until 5pm on Monday, July 31.

Night Out is a national event designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, increase neighborhood support in anti-crime efforts, and unite our communities.

That said, it is also just a great opportunity to throw a party in your street and have fun with the people in your neighborhood! The simple act of connecting with your neighbors and local police in a positive and festive environment is invaluable in building stronger communities.

So, grab your neighbors and plan your BBQ, potluck, ice cream social, sports tournament, live music jam, carnival game extravaganza, or whatever fits your neighborhood. Register your event and download helpful materials (logos, invitations in multiple languages, street closure signs, and more) at

Want to see if your neighborhood already has a Night Out in the works? Check out the Seattle Night Out Event Map.