In partnership with Cities of Service, the Find It, Fix It Community Walks Program is offering funds to support community-led projects in Capitol Hill and in Rainier Valley neighborhoods. The Community Project Grants will be awarded for public safety projects that engage the community and help
prevent crime. Potential projects could include clean-ups, murals, graffiti paint-outs, landscape maintenance, and plantings.
Each project can be funded up to $1,500 or as funds allow. The funding is open to neighborhoods visited by Find It, Fix It Community Walks in 2014 when the grant was not yet available. These communities include Capitol Hill, Brighton, Dunlap, Genesee, New Holly, Othello, Rainier Beach, Rainier Vista, and Rainier Valley. All funded projects must be completed and project funds spent by December 1, 2017.
You can find the easy-to-complete application at Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until Tuesday, October 10 at 5 p.m. The selection committee will notify applicants of funding decisions within three business days of when the application is submitted.
If you have an idea for a project in a Rainier Valley neighborhood or Capitol Hill, please apply today! For more information on the Find It, Fix It Community Project Grants or to request a paper copy of the application, please contact Laura Jenkins at 206-684-0320 or or visit
The Find It, Fix It mobile app offers smartphone users one more way to report selected issues to the City. With Find It, Fix It, reporting an issue is as easy as snapping a photo with a smartphone, adding detailed information, and hitting submit.