Message from Kathy Nyland, Director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
2017 was quite the year. It was the first full year since the Department of Neighborhoods was charged with leading a citywide effort to advance more equitable outreach and engagement practices and foster more inclusive and efficient government processes. To say that it was a busy year would be an understatement. To say it was successful doesn’t feel adequate. It was so much more than that. 2017 was exhausting and exhilarating; it was intentional and inspirational; and it was creative and innovative.
Operating with an equity lens, we were mindful of the work we do and how we do it. We were constantly reminded about the WHY. Why do we do the work we do? The answer is simple: it is because of you – the people we work with and the people we work for.
We strive to strengthen Seattle by engaging all communities. We do this by fostering community partnerships, cultivating emerging leadership, and facilitating community inclusiveness. Outreach and engagement is the core of what we do, and equity and transparency are our guiding principles. We hope you see that in our annual report.
Our work is about people and that is the focus of this report. It is a snapshot to show you what we are doing and how people are responding. As this was our first full year leading this drive toward equity and inclusion, the data is still relatively new, but the patterns and trends are encouraging.
Here are just a few highlights:
- 463 events attended by our Community Engagement Coordinators
- 284 applications received for our Community Involvement Commission
- 16 new Community Liaisons representing underserved and/or underrepresented communities.
- 3,724 people reached through our Community Conversations, Staff Conversations, and Transportation Equity Fairs.
- 383% increase in the number of Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) awards for projects over $25,000
- 45% increase in new applicants to NMF
- 67% increase in ideas submitted for Your Voice Your Choice
- 119% increase in engagement on our social media channels
Read the full Seattle Department of Neighborhoods 2017 Annual Report.
We believe that successfully engaging the community in process increases the likelihood of public support and better outcomes. By aligning our outreach and engagement efforts we are able to develop more authentic partnerships among community members and stakeholders and better effect change throughout the city.
This report is for you and because of you. Thank you for your interest, your time, and for being part of the solution.
Kathy Nyland