Seattle Housing Authority resident farmers offer fresh, affordable organic produce
For organic produce look no further than the High Point and NewHolly Farm Stands opening for the season on Wednesday, July 10. The farm stands offer produce picked fresh from the P-Patch Market Gardens by resident gardeners of the High Point and NewHolly Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) neighborhoods. Hours of operation are 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. You can find them at:
- High Point Farm Stand (32nd Ave. SW and SW Juneau Street) open Wednesdays from July 10 to October 2.
- NewHolly Farm Stand (S. Holly Park Dr. between 40th Ave. S and Rockery Drive S) open Fridays from July 12 to October 4.
Both farm stands accept EBT cards and participate in Fresh Bucks which doubles consumers’ SNAP dollars when they choose to spend them on fresh fruits and vegetables. Visit the gardens, meet the farmers, and enjoy their fresh produce.
In addition, ROAR, the mobile farm stand, will feature produce sourced from both P-Patch Market Gardens at the following locations until the end of October:
- Meridian Center for Health (103rd St & Meridian Ave N) on Wednesdays, 12-3 p.m.Â
- Seattle Indian Health Board (12th Ave & S Weller St) on Thursdays, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Rainier Beach Farm Stand at the Ethiopian Community Center (8323 Rainier Ave S) on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Seattle P-Patch Market Gardens is a program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods P-Patch Community Gardening Program to support SHA resident gardeners and their neighborhoods. Its mission is to establish safe, healthy communities and economic opportunity through farm stand enterprises. To learn more, visit