The International Special Review District Board will meet on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. to consider a new set of Draft Design Guidelines for the International Special Review District (ISRD). Design Guidelines are a set of design standards that contain suggested guidance for alterations and development in the District. The primary purpose of the ISRD Design Guidelines is to serve as a tool for the community to advocate for high-quality design that contributes to the cultural and historical character of the neighborhood. Design Guidelines are intended to be used by a variety of people including business owners, property owners, community members, design professionals, ISRD Board members, the City of Seattle, and other public agency staff.
The revised ISRD Design Guidelines expand upon the existing guidelines to include design guidance for location-specific areas of the Chinatown International District and additional design guidance for building alterations and new construction. The Draft Design Guidelines have been developed through a community-focused planning process, led by City staff, in partnership with consultants from Schemata Workshop and a work group of community members.
A meeting agenda will be issued and posted to the ISRD website approximately one week prior, with details about how to join and sign up for public comment. This will be a hybrid meeting, with the ability to attend virtually via WebEx or in-person, consistent with the regular ISRD Board meetings. Simultaneous Cantonese and Vietnamese interpretation will be available through WebEx. We invite public comment on the draft guidelines. Comments will be accepted in writing in advance of the meeting and/or verbally at the meeting, during the Public Comment period. We encourage you to submit written comments well in advance of the meeting to give the Board sufficient time to review them.
The ISRD is one of eight historic districts in the City of Seattle. It was established in 1973 to promote and preserve the cultural, economic, and historical features of the neighborhood, particularly those features derived from its Asian American heritage. To learn more about the election and the International Special Review District, please visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/preservation/id.htm/.