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Get Information, Pay Bills, and More at City of Seattle’s Customer Service Centers

Did you know that the City has Customer Service Centers to help you find information about Seattle services and programs? In fact, there are seven conveniently located throughout Seattle in Ballard, Central Area, Downtown, Lake City, Southeast Seattle, West Seattle, and University District. There is even a Mobile Customer Service… [ Keep reading ]

Are Your Digital Communications Accessible?

Websites, web-based software applications, online videos, and digital documents in Word, PDF, and other formats can be accessible to everyone; however, none of these media are accessible automatically. On Thursday, April 14, technology accessibility specialist Terrill Thompson from the University of Washington’s DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology) program will… [ Keep reading ]

Info to help you stay safe in this winter weather

Visit our homepage and to get tools and information about the winter storm: