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Reimagine Seattle: Mariela Camara

words and posters by Mariela Camara When given the opportunity to contribute to the Reimagine Seattle campaign, I instantly knew this was something I wanted to embark on, but not alone. After 20 years in the City, I have developed relationships with many BIPOC communities and especially women, girls, femmes,… [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Jessica Ramirez

Slow Down words and video by Jessica Ramirez The majority of the last year was spent understanding, and being more keenly aware than ever of, the movements of other people. Most of us were forced to stop, pause, and reorient to a place where we had to think not only… [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Mark Mendez

The Lake City Way by Mark Mendez As I write this, my heart breaks for the seven businesses in the heart of Lake City that have just been destroyed by a fire caused by arson. The fire quickly spread throughout the building, collapsing the roof in only 30 minutes. Most… [ Keep reading ]