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Save Seattle from Seriously Slippery, Slushy, Sloppy Sidewalks (say that quickly 3 times)

Seattleites, you are amazing! Thank you for everything you’ve been doing to help your neighborhoods and your neighbors safely get through all this snow and ice. We’ve seen so many people out there lending a hand by shoveling snow, clearing drains, pushing cars, assisting neighbors in need, and so much… [ Keep reading ]

Help Your Neighborhood Weather the Snow

Hey Neighbors! The snow is again upon us, and it’s going to continue this week. This means we all need to help each other. Whether you live in an apartment or a home, be a great neighbor – here’s how: Check on your neighbors to make sure everyone is ok,… [ Keep reading ]

Info to help you stay safe in this winter weather

Visit our homepage and to get tools and information about the winter storm: