Tuesday, September 20, 2011
6:30 pm till 8:30 pm
Jefferson Park Community Center(3801 Beacon Ave. S.)
Community design of the Food Forest began in June and was supported by funds from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund ($22,000 in 2010). Beacon Hill residents and other local advocates of urban agriculture worked together on a design for up to 7 acres of land owned by Seattle Public Utilities. The Beacon Food Forest is located directly west of Jefferson Park.
Nearly 100 folks worked to supply designers of the Harrison Design Team with a long list of features to include in the Food Forest. Fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, herbs, snack fruits and arbors of grapes, hops and kiwis all had strong support. These will be grown to demonstrate the principles of permaculture and showcase the high yields that can result from intensive plantings of selected edibles.
The Food Forest will also feature a community gathering space and childrens’ area and room for native varieties of food bearing plants. Community support for traditional gardening resulted in the design of many individual p-patch plots, larger allotment plots and a community growing space for single crops like corn or pumpkins.
Beacon Hill is a diverse neighborhood and organizers of the Food Forest look forward to learning more about the traditions of growing food from our neighbors and friends.
To learn more, visit :www.facebook.com/beaconfoodforest