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Volunteers Needed for the Green Dot Middle School Seattle Departure Advisory Committee

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is seeking seven community members to serve on an advisory committee that will recommend whether to grant a zoning modification needed for development of a 40,000-square foot school in the Hillman City neighborhood.

The Washington Charter School Development, Inc. (WCSD) is requesting a modification (known as a “departure”) from a select City zoning regulation for the development of the Green Dot Middle School Seattle located at 6020 Rainier Ave S. The modification is to allow “Greater than allowed building height.”

The City of Seattle allows schools to be constructed or expanded in all areas of the city in lieu of a specific “school zone” land use designation.  However, schools are subject to the development standards (setback, height, lot coverage, etc.) of the underlying land use zone. In most cases when a school is being built, renovated, or expanded, it will likely not meet the existing land use requirements unless the school requests an exemption from the existing zoning provisions. The departure process allows for the community to gather information and provide feedback on potential impacts from school construction to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI). The departure advisory committee ultimately makes a recommendation to SDCI on whether to grant, deny, or condition the departure request.

The committee will convene one to three public meeting(s) in South Seattle during a 90-day period beginning when the committee is appointed. At the meetings, the committee will receive briefings from the WCSD, and gather and evaluate public comment on the departure request. Following these meetings, the committee will forward a recommendation to SDCI to either grant or deny the requested modification. The committee may also recommend relevant conditions to be applied to granting this change to minimize its impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. SDCI will make the final decision.

Those who can apply to the committee are neighbors who live or own a business within 600’ of 6020 Rainier Avenue South, residents in the surrounding neighborhood, representatives of city-wide education issues, and parents of potential future Green Dot Middle School Seattle students. Other committee members will include a representative from WCSD and the City of Seattle.

To apply, please send a letter of interest to Maureen Sheehan at or mail to:

Maureen Sheehan
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649

 Letters of interest should be received by January 13, 2017. For more information contact Maureen Sheehan at or 206-684-0302 or visit our website.


The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity in its boards and committees; women, young adults, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, persons of color, and immigrants are highly encouraged to apply.

The Major Institutions and Schools Program provides a way for neighbors of Seattle’s hospitals, universities, and colleges to be directly involved in the development plans for those institutions to ensure neighborhood concerns are considered when those plans are made. It is a program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.