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Seattle City Council approves ordinances of two Seattle landmarks

Seattle City Council recently approved the landmark designation ordinances for two Seattle landmarks: the Crescent-Hamm Building in West Seattle and the Pacific Architect & Builder Building in Eastlake. These buildings join the more than 400 landmarks in the city that contribute to the cultural and architectural heritage of Seattle’s neighborhoods.

The City’s Landmarks Preservation Board approved the nomination, designation, and controls and incentives for these landmarks, and staff provided the draft ordinances to the Seattle City Council. The final step in the process was approval by City Council which occurred on January 29.

The landmarks are:

Crescent-Hamm Building

Crescent-Hamm Building
Address: 4302 SW Alaska Street/4559 California Avenue SW
Architect: Victor Voorhees
Date Built: 1926


1945 Yale Place E

Pacific Architect & Builder Building
Address: 1945 Yale Place East
Architect: A.O. Bumgardner
Date Built: 1960

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program is responsible for the designation and protection of more than 400 historic structures, sites, objects, and vessels, as well as eight historic districts located throughout the city. For more information on the landmark designation process and to view other city landmarks, visit